Roundtable Guides
DLC Walkthrough
TL;DR All NPC Quest Steps in Order
NPC Questlines
Landmarks & Locations
Sites of Grace
Illusory Walls & Invisible Paths
Ashes of War
Spirit Ashes
Upgrades & Unlocks
Golden Seeds & Sacred Tears
Flask of Wondrous Physick
Memory Stones & Talisman Pouches
Scrolls and Prayerbooks
Bell Bearings
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
Scadutree Fragments & Revered Spirit Ashes
Remembrances & Mausoleums
Great Runes
Stonesword Keys & Imp Seals
Dragon Hearts & Deathroots
Larval Tears & Celestial Dews
Pots & Bottles
Tools & Multiplayer
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
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Table Of Contents
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
Rewarded by
Gurranq, Beast Clergyman
, after feeding him 9
. Alternatively, he will drop this stone when killed.
Mountaintops of the Giants
Found on a corpse inside the mouth of a giant skull, just south-east of
Church of Repose
Consecrated Snowfield
Dropped from the two
Night's Cavalry
(Only spawn at night) escorting a troll-drawn carriage just south-west of the
Inner Consecrated Snowfield
grace site.
Found at the east end of the frozen river on a ledge at bottom of the frozen waterfall, just past
Great Wyrm Theodorix
Yelough Anix Tunnel
: While making your way through the dungeon, you will find a corpse sitting on an iceshard bridge, go down the ladder just to the right; the smithing stone can be found on a corpse just past the non-boss
Alabaster Lord
Miquella's Haligtree
Looted from a corpse just below a hugging statue, north of the
Haligtree Town Plaza
grace site. The stone is guarded by two winged and one red-maned
After defeating
, make your way down a long ladder and past (not down) the lift to find this stone in a chest.
Crumbling Farum Azula
Dropped from the
Farum Azula Dragon
that swoops down as you make your way along the curved platform, near the beginning of the area between the
Crumbling Beast Grave
Crumbling Beast Grave Depths
grace sites.
Starting from the
Dragon Temple Altar
grace site, head north through the door way and make your way past the assorted
Azula Beastman
and dog enemies until you find yourself on a narrow platform lined with dragon statues. Head straight and near the end will be a spiral staircase you will climb up on your right. At the top of the staircase, turn left and jump across to the floating stone pillar. Carefully walk along the pillar and jump up to the platform. You can collect the stone near the ledge, guarded by a large beastman and dog.
Dropped from the stationary
Farum Azula Dragon
sitting at the back of the plaza, south of the
Dragon Temple Rooftop
grace site. The dragon will constantly rain down red lightning while the path is riddled with
Rewarded by
Witch-Hunter Jerren
for siding with him at the end of
Sorceress Sellen's
questline just outside the
Raya Lucaria Grand Library
Rewarded by
Nepheli Loux
in Godrick's Throneroom (just past the
Godrick the Grafted
grace site) after completing
Kenneth Haight's
Lord of Limgrave questline. Unobtainable if
Seluvis's Potion
was given to Nepheli.
Purchased from
Gatekeeper Gostoc
in Godrick's Throneroom (just past the
Godrick the Grafted
grace site) after completing
Kenneth Haight's
Lord of Limgrave questline. Unobtainable if
Seluvis's Potion
was given to Nepheli.
Realm of Shadow
Gravesite Plain - Ruined Forge Lava Intake: Interact with the furnace to obtain this item and the Anvil Hammer.
Gravesite Plain - Dropped by the Magma Wyrm found inside the Dragon's Pit.
Gravesite Plain - At the top of the Suppressing Pillar, inside a chest.
Scadu Altus - Ruined Forge of Starfall Past: Interact with the furnace to obtain this item and the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword.
Jagged Peak - Dropped by Ancient Dragon Senessax, west of the Jagged Peak Summit Site of Grace.
Jagged Peak - Found next to 3 Skeletal Slimes on the way to Jagged Peak Summit Site of Grace, just before the last spiritspring before the site of grace.
Rauh Base - Taylew's Ruined Forge: Can be looted on a balcony just next the central platform, in a room with 2 Smithing Golems.
Rauh Base - Taylew's Ruined Forge: Interacting with the furnace at the end of the dungeon. Also rewards the Taylew the Golem Smith Spirit Ashes.
Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
Mohgwyn Palace
Found in a chest just past the
Dynasty Mausoleum Midpoint
grace site. The player should be careful as the chest is surrounded by a
Sanguine Noble
and seven 2nd generation
Consecrated Snowfield
Dropped from the invading phantom
Anastasia, Tarnished-Eater
, on the frozen river near the scarab-chasing wolf pack, south of
Ordina, Liturgical Town
Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree
Start from the
Prayer Room
grace site and head north along the walkway. Cross the second stone pillar on your right, falling down to the lower ledge of the tower and finally jumping down to the long walkway with the
Erdtree Avatar
. At the southern end of the path will be a corpse with the stone on it.
Start from the
Prayer Room
grace site and head north to the end of the walkway. Jump off the edge to your right, down to a stone beam that is adjacent to a platform with a gazebo and health scarab. Run past and go up another stone beam and at the top, there will be an opening with a chest; the stone can be found inside.
Crumbling Farum Azula
Found in a gazebo behind the stationary
Farum Azula Dragon
sitting at the back of the plaza, south of the
Dragon Temple Rooftop
grace site. The dragon will constantly rain down red lightning while the path is riddled with
Leyndell, Ashen Capital
From the main
Leyndell, Capital of Ash
grace site, head west and then up a sunken dragon wing. Jump to the crumbling wall where you will find a ladder to climb and then continue up the staircases. At the top of the rampart you will see a wandering gargoyle to your right, jump over the railing onto the soft sand below and you will find a corpse with the stone sitting in front of an eerily familiar building.
Rewarded by
after completing her questline at the
Apostate Derelict
in the
Consecrated Snowfield
Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree
: After completing
questline and defeating
Malenia, Blade of Miquella
, insert the gold needle into Malenia's scarlet flower to receive the stone as well as
Miquella's Needle
Realm of Shadow
Gravesite Plain - Dropped by the Ghostflame Dragon found in the lake west of the Greatbridge, North Site of Grace.
Scadu Altus - Dropped by the Ghostflame Dragon found North of Fort Reprimand.
Cerulean Coast - Ghostflame Dragon found South of the Cerulean Coast Site of Grace.
Jagged Peak - Dropped by Ancient Dragon Senessax, west from the Jagged Peak Summit Site of Grace.
Jagged Peak - From the Jagged Peak Mountainside Site of Grace, follow the path southwest and use the 2 spiritsprings to get to the elevated areas. Once you make it through the second spiritspring, turn around and drop down the area just below you, follow the path northeast and you'll find this material on a corpse.
Enir-Ilim - From the altar with an elevator, head outside and go down. Be wary of an enemy lurking in the area. Get past the enemy and you'll find this material on a corpse at the edge of a broken stairs.
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