Roundtable Guides
DLC Walkthrough
TL;DR All NPC Quest Steps in Order
NPC Questlines
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Ashes of War
Spirit Ashes
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Flask of Wondrous Physick
Memory Stones & Talisman Pouches
Scrolls and Prayerbooks
Bell Bearings
Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones
Scadutree Fragments & Revered Spirit Ashes
Remembrances & Mausoleums
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Scadutree Fragments & Revered Spirit Ashes
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Table Of Contents
Scadutree Fragments
Revered Spirit Ashes
Scadutree Fragments
Gravesite Plain
(x1) Can be found by the Miquella's Cross of the Three-Path Cross Site of Grace.
(x1) Can be found next to the statue of Marika, located at a Messmer Soldier encampment.
(x2) Can be found at the Church of Consolation's by the statue of Marika.
(x1) Can be found by Miquella's Cross of the Main Gate Cross Site of Grace near NPCs Sir Ansbach and Moore.
(x1) Dropped by a pot-bearing Shadow enemy in a gravesite that sparkles and runs away. Kill it quickly to get the drop.
(x1) Item drops from a pot-bearing Shadow enemy. Grants 707 Runes upon defeat. Drops 1 Scadutree Fragment and 1 Silver Horn Tender. In a gravesite area, southwest of Cliffroad Terminus Site of Grace. Surrounded by other shadow enemies and a dog.
(x1) Can be found beside Miquella's Cross of the Castle Ensis Checkpoint Site of Grace.
(x1) Can be looted from the ground beside Miquella's Cross of the Pillar Path Cross Site of Grace.
Belurat, Tower Settlement
(x1) Upon reaching a large room on the northwest side with the 2 large Spider Scorpions in it and the Bone Bow, jump over the rubble on the right side just before the doorway to this room. There's another doorway just behind the rubble, and following the path beyond will lead to a small room with the fragment, next to a Miquella's Cross.
Scadu Altus
(x1) Can be found by Miquella's Cross of the Highroad Cross Site of Grace and NPCs Hornsent and Needle Knight Leda.
(x1) Can be looted by the statue of Marika located at the Messmer Soldiers encampment situated along the main entrance of the Shadow Keep. If you aggroed the Furnace Golem in this area, chances are the creature can destroy the statue. But you can still find the Scadutree Fragment there.
(x1) Northwest of the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace, there is a Messmer Soldiers encampment. 1 Scadutree Fragment can looted by the statue of Marika.
(x2) Can looted off the ground. The item is found inside the Church of the Crusade, just by the foot of the statue of Marika.
(x1) Head north from Moorth Ruins to find an area with a pond and a cave entrance that leads to Rauh Ruins. Cross the pond, and just before the entrance to the cave, you'll find 1 Scadutree Fragment that can be looted by the statue of Marika.
(x1) Can be looted from the ground by Miquella's Cross of the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace.
(x1) South of Moorth Ruins, you'll find a pot-bearing Shadow towards the giant fissure at the center of the location. Instead of dropping down, wrap around the south side of the fissure to find the enemy. Kill the pot-bearing Shadow enemy to acquire 1 Scadutree Fragment.
(x1) Found in a coffin at the bottom of the waterfall. To reach this area, you must follow the cliffs along the top and then find a place to drop by a graveyard with gravebirds, then explore upriver.
(x2) There are two Lesser Lesser Golden Hippopotamus enemies found in this area, drop a Scadutree Fragment each. A Scadutree Fragment drops from the Hippopotamus enemies in the area. This area can only be accessed by using the ladder in Shadow Keep to get down to a special teleport coffin. This will take you to Ruins of Unte and you must follow the cliffs downstream, and then carefully drop down to the bottom level to reach it.
Ancient Ruins Base
(x1) From the entrance through the gap in the wall, take the stairs on the right and climb up until you reach the cloth-like part of the structure at the top. Before heading down, check on the right side to see a small opening that will lead to the middle platform. Fall there and defeat the two enemies, In the middle of the bridge you will find a body that has 1 Scadutree Fragment.
Shadow Keep
(x2) Obtained after defeating the Golden Hippopotamus boss found at the Main Plaza of the Shadow Keep.
(x1) Can be looted by Miquella's Cross of the Storehouse, Fourth Floor Site of Grace in the Specimen Storehouse section of the Shadow Keep.
(x1) Located at the Church District of the Shadow Keep. 1 Scadutree Fragment can be looted on the hand of the statue of Marika. Time your jump to grab it. This is easily done after draining the water, or if you are feeling brave you can actually jump onto the hand before draining the water. and jump back.
(x1) Can be looted in front of a small statue of Marika, located in the Dark Chamber entrance of the Shadow Keep's Specimen Storehouse.
(x1) From the Back Gate Site of Grace of the Shadow Keep, enter the room to your right to find 1 Scadutree Fragment that can be looted on the ground, by the foot of the statue of Marika.
(x5) Can be looted by the roots in front of the Scadutree chalice. Have to be grabbed one by one.
(x1) Can be looted from the ground by Miquella's Cross of the Scaduview Cross Site of Grace.
Cerulean Coast
(x1) Located in a cave guarded by a Demi-Human Chief. 1 Scadutree Fragment is looted from a dead body inside the cave.
(x1) Can be looted from the ground by Miquella's Cross of the Cerulean Coast Cross Site of Grace.
Stone Coffin Fissure
(x1) Can looted from the ground by Miquella's Cross of the Fissure Cross Site of Grace.
Jagged Peak
(x1) After getting past the two Spiritsprings, take the path on your right, and be careful of falling boulders. You'll find 1 Scadutree Fragment on a dead body.
Charo's Hidden Grave
(x1) Dropped by the Lesser Golden Hippopotamus enemy found in this area of Charo's Hidden Grave.
Abyssal Woods
(x2) Can be looted in front of the altar inside the Abandoned Church located within the Abyssal Woods.
(x1) From the Abyssal Woods Site of Grace, head north and then west to find a corpse sitting against a tree. Loot the dead body to obtain 1 Scadutree Fragment..
Rauh Ancient Ruins
(x1) From the Rauh Ancient Ruins, West Site of Grace, head towards the building and climb up the stairs. Beware of the enemies in this room. Reach the end to find 1 Scadutree Fragment in front of the large altar.
(x1) Can be looted by Miquella's Cross of the Rauh Ancient Ruins, East Site of Grace.
(x1) Past the Spider-Scorpions after entering the tunnel, move forward, and turn right. Locate the Shadowpot Enemy and kill it to obtain 1 Scadutree Fragment.
(x1) Defeat the Lesser Golden Hippopotamus to obtain the fragment. The enemy drops 11960 Runes and 1 Scadutree Fragment.
(x1) From the First Rise Site of Grace of Enir-Ilim, progress the area until you're about to reach the Spiral Rise Site of Grace. Near the checkpoint, you'll find a stairway that leads down to a room where you can loot the Inquisitor Ashes. Outside of this room, jump down onto a broken staircase that might look like a dead-end. Check the east side of this staircase to drop onto the narrow edge of the wall. Wrap along the side of it until you reach a platform that has a body holding 10 Golem's Great Arrow. Look south and do a running jump to jump across the pit and towards a window. Drop down to formally arrive in a secret section of Belurat Tower Settlement. Continue forward from here until you find a covered statue where you'll find 1 Scadutree Fragment by the foot of the statue.
(x1) Outer Tower of Enir-Ilim. After picking up the previous Revered Spirit Ash, continue heading up the stairs and you'll find a room with an altar where 1 Scadutree Fragment can be picked up.
(x1) Can be found on the altar near the Cleansing Chamber Anteroom Site of Grace.
(x1) Can be looted by Miquella's Cross of the Spiral Rise Site of Grace.
Revered Spirit Ashes
Gravesite Plain
(x1) On a small altar. North-east of the Gravesite plain site of grace. Past the white tree filled with hanging bodies.
(x1) Found at an altar located to the east of the Cliffroad Terminus Site of Grace. In the vicinity of the pond inhabited by small turtles.
Abandoned Ailing Village
(x1) Can be looted on a broken Revered Statue at the Abandoned Ailing Village. The statue is guarded by Man-Fly enemies.
Temple Town Ruins
(x1) South of Temple Town Ruins, you will see the altar near the edge.
Belurat Tower Settlement
(x2) Can be found on the altar in the middle of the room infested by Spider-Scorpions.
(x1) After defeating the Divine Beast Dancing Lion, head to the right side of the arena to find a lift. Take the lift up and proceed forward to open a large door. Once through, you will find the altar nearby that has a Revered Spirit Ash.
(x1) Climb up after defeating the two Gravebirds and you will spot a Shadow Pothead enemy. Grants 735 Runes upon defeat. Drops 1 Revered Spirit Ash and 1 Golden Horn Tender.
(x1) After crossing the bridge with the Horned Warrior, turn left to enter an open area with a tree in the center and numerous enemies in prayer. You'll find the Revered Spirit Ash on an altar across from the tree.
Bonny Village
(x1) Fall down from the broken bridge, and follow the path north, past the dog, you will find a statue containing the revered spirit ash at the end of the road.
Moorth Ruins
(x1) Go east of the ruins, and find a little shack, wherein the revered spirit ash resides.
Village of Flies
(x1) Once you enter the Village of Flies, continue down the path, it can be found on a body laid on a pedestal.
Ancient Ruins of Rauh, West
(x1) Dropped by the Shadow Pothead in the area, along with 1 Silver Horn Tender, 1 Dewgem, and 1 Rauh Burrow.
(x1) Found on the statue in the middle. Beware of enemies in the area.
(x1) Outside the First Rise Site of Grace, take the stairs up and cross the bridge to a large enemy. Defeat the enemy to acquire a Revered Spirit Ash.
(x2) At the base of the statue in an indoor Altar like room with Man-Fly(s) praying to an idol sculpture.
(x1) Can be found within a small room on an altar. Be wary of Gravebird enemies in the area.
Ruins of Unte
(x1) Found on the altar by the stone wall southeast from Ruins of Unte.
Ellac River cave
(x1) Can be found on an altar in the Ellac River Cave near the Site of Grace.
Midra's Manse
(x1) When you reach the Library, jump on the bookshelves and make your way to the other side where you see a large enemy. Defeat it to acquire a Revered Spirit Ash.
(x1) Can be found on a body hanging on the chandelier next to the Site of Grace.
Shadow Keep
(x1) Climb up the statue's feet and carefully drop down the beast statue below, where you'll find a Revered Spirit Ash.
(x1) From the Seventh Floor Site of Grace, head to the opposite side, and jump on the railings on the left side and you will find this item on the hanging statue.
Ancient Ruins of Rauh, East
(x1) Dropped by a Shadowpot Enemy west of the Viaduct Minor Tower Site of Grace.
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